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Public Notice Information

If you would like to be placed on a mailing list to receive copies of public notices, please contact the Regulatory Branch, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, P. O. Box 867, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-0867, call (501)324-5295, or send an email to and include your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number and indicate which counties in Arkansas or Missouri you would like to receive public notices.

NOTE: Due to budget cuts and escalating costs in processing and mailing of these public notices, we are requiring email addresses and internet access.  Only under special circumstances will we send copies of the public notices via the U. S. Postal Service.

The Public Notices are available in two electronic formats. To read the Public Notice text only (html format), click on the Public Notice number.  To view a Public Notice with its drawings, click on the Public Notice link in the attachments box. (*pdf format).

Tag: public notice
  • SWL 2006-20473

    Expiration date: 7/9/2024

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that Brett Hogan, Americo Real Estate Company U-Haul International, 2727 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004, has requested authorization for the placement of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States associated with the construction of a commercial storage facility. The proposed project is located in emergent and forested wetlands, in the NE 1/4 of section 2, T. 19 N., R. 31 W., Bentonville, Benton County, Arkansas. The project purpose is to develop a commercial storage facility for the residents of Bentonville and Centerton.

  • SWL 2016-00088-1

    Expiration date: 6/24/2024

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that Mr. David Hopkins, PE, City of Little Rock, Arkansas, 7001 West Markham, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, has requested authorization for work, including the placement of dredged and fill material, in waters of the United States associated with the construction of an approximately 340-foot-long by 14-foot-wide concrete channel. Segmental block walls would be constructed along both sides. This project proposal would be an extension of the existing channel modification which consists of the same design that was previously permitted in 2016. The work will occur in an unnamed tributary of the Little Maumelle River. Total impacts to waters of the United States include approximately 340 linear feet (~0.11 acres) of stream impacts. The proposed project is located in the residential area approximately 0.05 miles northeast of the intersection of Taylor Loop Road and Gooch Drive South, in the NE 1/4 of section 24, T. 2 N., R. 14 W., Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas. The project purpose is to improve drainage in this area and reduce flooding of properties during storm events.

  • SWL 2021-00223

    Expiration date: 6/17/2024

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that the Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT), PO Box 2261, Little Rock, AR 72203, has requested authorization for work, including the placement of dredged and fill material, in waters of the United States associated with constructing an approximate 14.5-mile segment of future Interstate 49 (I-49) that will extend from Barling to Alma. It should be noted that the proposed bridge over the Arkansas River at Navigation Mile 291.6 would be authorized by the U.S. Coast Guard under Section 9 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. The project purpose is to improve system linkage for a north/south national interstate corridor, accommodate safe travel and improve modal connectivity. The proposed project is also needed to address safety issues associated with increasing volumes of vehicular traffic in northwest Arkansas.

  • SWL 2024-00083

    Expiration date: 6/17/2024

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that, City of Ellington, 100 Tubbs Avenue, Ellington, Missouri 63638, has requested authorization for work, including the placement of dredged and fill material, in waters of the United States associated with the construction of a new levee along the descending right bank. The project purpose is constructing a levee for flood protection for the City of Ellington.

  • SWL 2019-00056-2

    Expiration date: 6/10/2024

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that The Honorable Barry Hyde, Pulaski County Judge, 201 South Broadway, Rm. 400, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, has requested authorization for the placement of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States associated with the modification of an existing permit for the construction of an approximately 60-mile-long recreational trail from Hot Springs National Park to the Central High School National Historic Site. More specifically, the applicant proposes to change the type of impacts to a section (P2) of the trail between Baseline Road and Hilaro Springs Road in the Cloverdale area of Little Rock.

Questions or Comments

Phone Number:  501-324-5295

Submit Applications to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 867
Little Rock, AR  72203