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Arkansas Extraordinary Resource Waters

 Listing of Extraordinary Resource Waterbodies, Natural and Scenic Waterways, and Ecologically Sensitive Waterbodies from Regulation 2 of the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission


Ozark Highlands Ecoregion:

* Current River

* Eleven Point River

* Strawberry River

* Spring River ‑‑ (including tributaries Field Creek, Big Creek, English Creek, Gut Creek and Myatt Creek)

* South Fork Spring River

* North Sylamore Creek

* Buffalo River

* Kings River

* Bull Shoals Reservoir

Boston Mountains Ecoregion:

* Devils Fork of Little Red River ‑‑ (including Beech Creek, Tomahawk Creek, Turkey Creek, Lick Creek and Racoon Creek)

* Middle Fork of Little Red River above Greers Ferry Reservoir

* Archey Creek from headwaters to confluence with South Fork of Little Red River

* Illinois Bayou, including North, Middle, and East Forks

* Big Piney Creek

* Hurricane Creek

* Mulberry River

* Lee Creek from state line upstream to headwaters

* Salado Creek

* Kings River

* Richland Creek and Falling Water Creek

* Buffalo River

Arkansas River Valley Ecoregion:

* Cadron Creek, including North Fork and East Fork

* Mulberry River

* Big Creek adjacent to natural areas

Gulf Coastal Ecoregion:

* Saline River

* Moro Creek adjacent to natural area

Ouachita Mountains Ecoregion:

* Lake Ouachita

* DeGray Reservoir

* Saline River, entire segment including North, Alum, Middle, and South Forks

* Caddo River above DeGray Reservoir

* South Fork Caddo River

* Cossatot River above Gillham Reservoir

* Caney Creek

* Little Missouri River above Lake Greeson

* Mountain Fork River

* Big Fork Creek, adjacent to natural area

Delta Ecoregion:

* Second Creek

* Cache River above Cache Bayou, adjacent to natural areas

* Arkansas River below Dam No. 2

* Strawberry River

* Two Prairie Bayou adjacent to natural areas



Ozark Highlands Ecoregion:

* Strawberry River from headwaters to Sharp‑Izard County Line

* Kings River, segment in Madison County

* Buffalo River

Boston Mountains Ecoregion:

* Mulberry River

* Buffalo River

* Kings River

Arkansas River Valley Ecoregion:

* Mulberry River

Gulf Coastal Ecoregion:

* Saline River from Grant‑Cleveland County Line to mouth

Ouachita Mountains Ecoregion:

* Cossatot River above Gillham Reservoir

* Little Missouri River above Lake Greeson

Delta Ecoregion:

* None


(Including Protected Species)

Ozark Highlands Ecoregion:

* Numerous springs and spring‑fed tributaries which support Southern Cavefish, Ozark Cavefish, Arkansas Darter, Least Darter, Oklahoma Salamander, cave snails, cave crawfish, and unique invertebrates

* Strawberry River: locations of Strawberry River Darter

* Spring River: Snuffbox and Pink Mucket Mussels; Ozark Hellbender

* Eleven Point River: location of Ozark Hellbender

* Current River: location of Flat Floater and Pink Mucket Mussels

* Illinois River: Neosho Mucket

Boston Mountains Ecoregion:

* Devils, Middle, and South Forks of Little Red River and Archey Creek above Greers Ferry Reservoir: locations of endemic Yellowcheek Darter and endangered Speckled Pocketbook Mussel (except Devils Fork)

* Foshee Cave: location of Aquatic Cave Snail

* Upper White River: location of Longnose Darter

Arkansas River Valley:

* None

Gulf Coastal Ecoregion:

* Little River above Millwood Reservoir: location of Ouachita Rock Pocketbook and Pink Mucket Mussels

* Grassy Lake and Yellow Creek below Millwood Reservoir: unique ecosystem and biota

* Lower Little Missouri River: location of Peppered Shiner and Longnose Darter

* Lower Saline River: location of Peppered Shiner, Crystal Darter, and Goldstripe Darter

* Ouachita River near Arkadelphia: location of Flat Floater, Ouachita Rock Pocketbook, and Pink Mucket Mussels

Ouachita Mountains Ecoregion:

* Ouachita River above Lake Ouachita: location of Caddo Madtom, Longnose Darter, Peppered Shiner and threatened Arkansas Fatmucket Mussel

* South Fork of Ouachita River: location of threatened Arkansas Fatmucket Mussel and Caddo Madtom

* Caddo River and all tributaries above DeGray Reservoir: location of endemic Paleback Darter, Caddo Madtom, and threatened Arkansas Fatmucket Mussel

* Mountain Fork River: location of threatened Leopard Darter

* Cossatot River above Gillham Reservoir: location of threatened Leopard Darter

* Saline River, including Alum, Middle, North, and South Forks, and Ten Mile Creek: location of endemic Ouachita Madtom and threatened Arkansas Fatmucket Mussel (except South Fork and Ten Mile Creek)

* Little Missouri River above Lake Greeson: location of Caddo Madtom

* Mayberry Creek (tributary to Hallman's Creek): location of Paleback Darter

* Robinson Creek: location of threatened Leopard Darter

Delta Ecoregion:

* Lower St. Francis River and lower 10 miles of Straight Slough: location of Fat Pocketbook Mussel

* Right Hand Chute at confluence with St. Francis River: location of Fat Pocketbook Mussel

* Departee Creek: location of Flat Floater Mussel

* Black River at mouth of Spring River: location of Pink Mucket Mussel



Extraordinary Resource Waters:  This beneficial use is a combination of the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of a waterbody and its watershed which is characterized by scenic beauty, aesthetics, scientific values, broad scope recreation potential, and intangible social values.

Ecologically Sensitive Waterbodies:  This beneficial use identifies segments known to provide habitat within the existing range of threatened, endangered, or endemic species of aquatic or semi‑aquatic life forms.

Natural and Scenic Waterways:  This beneficial use identifies segments which have been legislatively adopted into a state or federal system.