Know Your Limits

Wear It!

Little Rock District Water Safety

Water Safety Tips
- Wear Coast Guard approved life jackets when around water, most people do not expect to end up in the water and of those who drown, were not wearing a life jacket.
- Water and alcohol do not mix.
- Check weather forecasts before embarking on water activities.
- Be aware of your personal water skill and knowledge.

Boating Safety Tips
Wear a Coast Guard approved life jacket, many types and styles are available.
Check all safety equipment, replace and repair before launching.
- File a float plan with family and friends.
- Be a courteousness boater, follow the rules of the road.
- Swimming near or under platforms on outboard motorboats, where CO2 (carbon monoxide) fumes accumulate, can kill.

Swimming Tips
- Wear a Coast Guard approved life jacket, many types and styles are available.
Learning to swim is an important skill for all ages.
- Never swim alone, always swim with a buddy.
- Always swim in designated swimming areas.
- Diving or jumping from cliffs and bluffs invites tragedy.
- Always supervise children of all ages when around open bodies of water.

Bouy Identification

Are You Next?

Keep Them Safe

Sinking Feeling?