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David D. Terry MRER Status

What is an MRER?

A Major Rehabilitation Evaluation Report or an MRER is - in a nutshell, a report that identifies the most economical strategy to address deficiencies in and improve reliability of a facility. In this case, the David D. Terry Lock and Dam (L&D).

David D. Terry Lock and Dam is one of 16 locks and dams on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System in Oklahoma and Arkansas designed, constructed, and operated by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers.

USACE Tulsa District operates MKARNS locks and dams in Oklahoma, and the Little Rock District operates facilities in Arkansas including Terry L&D. Terry L&D has substantial problems with aging structural and mechanical components that could fail and halt navigation. As a result, SWL leadership initiated an MRER to assess potential solutions.


Points of Contact

Navigation & Maintenance
(501) 324-5739

Reservoir Control
(501) 324-6237 

Pine Bluff Project Office
(870) 534-0451

Russellville Project Office
(479) 968-5008

Montgomery Pt L&D 
(870) 548-3400

Norrell Lock
(870) 548-2796

Lock No. 2
(870) 548-2791

Joe Hardin Lock
(870) 479-3164

Emmett Sanders Lock
(870) 534-2127

Col Charles D. Maynard Lock
(501) 842-2761

David D. Terry Lock
(501) 961-9281

Murray Lock
(501) 663-1997

Toad Suck Ferry Lock
(501) 327-0853

Arthur V. Ormond Lock
(501) 354-8402

Dardanelle Lock
(479) 890-4987

Ozark-Jeta Taylor Lock
(479) 667-2120

James W. Trimble Lock
(479) 452-0488