The public land around Norfork provides the hunter with good opportunities for white-tailed deer, wild turkey, squirrel, rabbit and quail. Migratory birds and waterfowl such as doves, ducks and geese are also found here. Some areas are cooperatively managed with state and volunteer organizations to provide maximum benefits for both game and non-game wildlife.
Hunting is prohibited in developed parks. Park boundaries are marked with orange bands around trees and signs located along roadways. These areas are indicated in red on the lake map found in the download section. Wildlife management areas, indicated with a texture, may have special rules. Hunters in these areas should consult the state hunting regulations. All other public land around Norfork Lake, marked with green on the lake map, is open for hunting. State and federal regulations apply.
Two special activities that are sponsored by the Mountain Home Project Office are the Mobility Impaired and the Youth hunts. These two special hunting activities take place each year. The Mobility Impaired hunt coincide's with the October muzzleloader season and the Youth Hunt coincide's with the early December youth season as prescribed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Each hunt is limited to a maximum of ten positions. The purpose of these two hunts is for deer herd management and to provide a special recreation opportunity for these two groups. Applications for either hunt are available at the Mountain Home Project Office around the 1st of September each year.