Wise management of natural resources on and around Clearwater Lake is necessary and important to maintain the quality environment we enjoy. The public land that surrounds the lake provides a buffer that ensures high quality water, as well as habitat for the abundant wildlife and plants found here. Our goal for managing this land is to restore it to natural conditions and enhance native plant and animal populations. Comprehensive natural resource plans are developed to guide our efforts toward accomplishing this goal. The Corps of Engineers, Missouri Department of Conservation, and volunteer groups play important roles in the cooperative management of hunting and non-hunting areas.
Emerald Ash Borer Alert!
We would like to ask our visitors and campers to not bring and certainly not remove any firewood into or from River Road Park Recreational Area. The Emerald Ash borer has recently been discovered in Wayne County MO in Ash trees. This insect is a very destructive pest that has the potential to destroy all species of ash not only in the park, but in the county and state. A major cause of its spread to this area has most likely been through firewood brought in from an infested region of the country. Please help us to prevent further spread by not removing firewood from the park. (For more information please refer to the link provided).