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Archive: March, 2020
  • SWL 2017-00238

    Expiration date: 4/30/2020

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that, Arkansas Department of Transportation, PO Box 2261, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-2261, has submitted their Fourche Creek Mitigation Bank prospectus. The prospectus outlines the proposal for developing and operating the bank, which is known as the banking instrument. After public comments are received and any issues are resolved on the prospectus, Arkansas Department of Transportation will submit a draft banking instrument to the District Engineer of the Little Rock District. The District Engineer will then distribute the draft banking instrument to the Interagency Review Team (IRT), which is made up of the Corps and the pertinent state and Federal resource agencies. The IRT will review the banking instrument and coordinate with Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) on any issues until a final banking instrument is completed. Finally, the District Engineer will review the final instrument and make a decision to approve or not approve. The primary purpose of this bank is to mitigate for unavoidable impacts to streams and wetlands from highway construction and maintenance activities authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Management goals for the proposed mitigation bank include: preservation, restoration, and enhancement of riparian stream buffers, wetlands and their associated upland areas. Mitigation efforts will improve connectivity between Fourche Creek and its historic floodplain as well as the enhancement of 100-foot-wide riparian buffers and adjacent wetlands through the planting of bottomland hardwoods.

  • SWL 2020-00111

    Expiration date: 4/24/2020

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that, Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation (MCHF), P.O. Box 366, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0366, proposes to establish Mitigation Plan No. SSTF1016-Koeller Project. The mitigation plan would be established under MCHF’s Stream Stewardship Trust Fund (SSTF) In-lieu Fee Instrument. The project site is on Bull Creek, in the NW 1/4 of section 17, T. 25 N., R. 20 W., Christian County, Missouri.