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NOTE: Due to budget cuts and escalating costs in processing and mailing of these public notices, we are requiring email addresses and internet access.  Only under special circumstances will we send copies of the public notices via the U. S. Postal Service.

The Public Notices are available in two electronic formats. To read the Public Notice text only (html format), click on the Public Notice number.  To view a Public Notice with its drawings, click on the Public Notice link in the attachments box. (*pdf format).

Archive: July, 2016
  • SWL 1981-02758-6

    Expiration date: 8/22/2016

    Pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S. Code 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that Donna Fill, Incorporated, PO Box 9054, North Little Rock, Arkansas 72119, has requested authorization for the placement of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States associated with the continuation of their commercial sand and gravel dredging operations. The operation is located on the Arkansas River, between Navigation Miles 108.7 and 111.7 upstream of David D. Terry Lock and Dam, in Pulaski County, Arkansas. A commercial dredging permit has been authorized in this reach of the Arkansas River since 1981, and authorizes dredging both within the navigation channel and within an area adjacent to the navigation channel. The permit would be extended for a period of five (5) years, through December 31, 2021.

  • SWL 1970-00355-10

    Expiration date: 8/22/2016

    Pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S. Code 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that, Arkhola Sand and Gravel Company/APAC-Central, ATTENTION: Mr. Andy Peeples, 1010 Frontier Road, Barling, Arkansas 72923, has requested authorization for the placement of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States associated with the continuation of their commercial sand and gravel dredging operations. The current permitted operation limits are located on the Arkansas River between Navigation Miles 260.9 and 292.0, in Franklin, Crawford, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. The proposed extension would be for five years to December 31, 2021. Dredging operations have been permitted in these reaches since 1972.

  • RGP - GG

    On July 27, 2015, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock, Memphis, and Vicksburg Districts, issued a joint public notice with the State of Arkansas announcing consideration of reissuance of this regional general permit for the construction of exploration and production wells for oil and gas and their supporting fills and structures in waters of the United States. As lead Corps District in the state, Little Rock District is responsible for coordinating advertisement and review of comments on this statewide regional general permit. The authority for permit issuance is found in Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S. Code 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344). Corps districts are authorized to develop regional general permits in accordance with Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations Parts 325.2(e)(2) and 325.5(c)(1). After reviewing the previous actions authorized under this regional general permit and comments received on the public notice, it is our assessment that the work authorized will not have significant adverse environmental impacts and that the public interest will be served by reissuance of the regional general permit.

  • GP-34M

    Expiration date: 7/26/2016

    In accordance with Title 33 CFR 325.2 and 325.7(e), as published in the November 13, 1986, Federal Register, the Kansas City District, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers (as lead district), in conjunction with the St. Louis District, Rock Island District, Little Rock District, and Memphis District (map enclosed) proposes to reissue General Permit 34 Missouri (GP-34M, GP) which would authorize the discharge of dredged or fill material in association with excavation of sand and gravel in waters of the United States within the State of Missouri. This GP would be reissued under the authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 403). The GP was originally issued December 18, 1995, reissued on March 16, 2001, again on December 22, 2005, again on July 28, 2011, and expires on July 28, 2016. In the preceding 5-year period, there were a total of 32 actions authorized by under the provisions of this GP in the Kansas City District and a total of 70 actions by all Districts.

Questions or Comments

Phone Number:  501-324-5295

Submit Applications to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 867
Little Rock, AR  72203