Navigation Notices


    Due to increased river elevations, the crest gate dam at Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (NM 0.5) is lowered and the navigation pass is open. When the Montgomery Point Lock and Dam tailwater elevation drops below 115 ft., the navigation pass will be closed.

    Due to falling river elevations, the crest gate dam at Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (NM 0.5) is in operation and the navigation pass is closed. All vessels are required to pass through the lock until further notice. Vessels may contact Montgomery Point Lock and Dam on Channel 16 for further information.

    Due to increased river elevations, the crest gate dam at Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (NM 0.5) is lowered and the navigation pass is open. When the Montgomery Point Lock and Dam tailwater elevation drops below 115 ft., the navigation pass will be closed.

    Mariners should expect to experience intermittent delays at Dardanelle Lock (No. 10) NM 205.5 on July 25, 2023. The intermittent delays are to allow needed repairs to sections of hydraulic lines associated with lock operations. A subsequent navigation notice will be issued should the work be completed ahead of schedule. However, unforeseen issues could require additional delays.
  • NAVIGATION NOTICE Number SWL 23-16 McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System

    Notices to Navigational Interests (NTNI) This is to advise mariners transiting the White River Entrance Channel (WREC) of increased head differentials between Norrell Lock and Dam and Montgomery Point Lock and Dam. At 7:00 p.m. today, the tailwater elevation at Norrell Lock and Dam was 146.42 ft-msl and the headwater elevation at Montgomery Point Lock and Dam was 143.10 ft-msl with a differential of 3.32 feet. The WREC differential is forecasted to increase to 4.0 feet by 30 March 2023. The differential is expected to begin decreasing after 01 April 2023. A subsequent navigation notice will be issued once the differential is forecasted to decrease below and remain below 3.0 feet. Mariners are reminded of advised tow restrictions during increased differentials.
  • MKARNS NAV NOTICE NO. SWL 23-14 McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System increased differentials on the White River entrance channel

    This is to advise mariners transiting the White River Entrance Channel (WREC) of increased head differentials between Norrell Lock and Dam and Montgomery Point Lock and Dam.
  • MKARNS NAV NOTICE NO. SWL 23-13 Tow haulage return to service David D. Terry Lock (No. 6) NM 108.1

    The tow haulage equipment at David D. Terry Lock (No. 6) NM 108.1 has been repaired and returned to service.
  • MKARNS Nav Notice No. SWL 23-12 Lock 6 Tow Haulage Out of Service

    The tow haulage equipment at David D. Terry Lock (No. 6) NM 108.1 is currently out of service. Double cut tows will have to be locked the conventional way (without the use of tow haulage). Another notice will be distributed when the tow haulage equipment is back in service.
  • MKARNS NAV NOTICE NO. SWL 23-11 tow haulage out of service Norrell Lock (No. 1) NM 10.3

    During scheduled maintenance to the tow haulage equipment at Norrell Lock (No. 1) NM 10.3, referenced in Navigation Notice SWL 23-08, crews discovered additional components in need of critical repairs. Due to these findings, the tow haulage equipment at Norrell Lock (No. 1) NM 10.3 will remain out of service until repairs can be made.
  • MKARNS NAV NOTICE NO. SWL 1-2023 McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation Systems Little Rock and Tulsa District

    INTRODUCTION: February 2023 1. As a result of partnering efforts with navigation stakeholders, a consolidated Notice to Navigation Interests has been prepared for the McClellan- Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS). The intent is to provide consistency by reviewing and informing current district regulations with a joint notice that will be updated annually. The notice is applicable to the Little Rock (SWL) and Tulsa (SWT) Districts. 2. The basic document includes policies of general application to the described areas within the Southwestern Division, while the appendices cite policies applicable to MKARNS projects from Navigation Mile (NM) 0 to NM 445. Also included as appendices as an appendix is the Code of Federal Regulations containing the "Little Red Book" of navigation regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. 3. Comments on how we may improve this notice may be sent to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Little Rock District, ATTN: CESWL-OP-OM, 700 W. Capitol Avenue, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, AR 72203-0867 or you may e-mail