Navigation Notices

  • MKARNS NAVIGATION NOTICE No. SWL 23-58 Lock 13 Intermittent Delays

    Mariners should expect to experience intermittent delays at James W. Trimble Lock (No. 13) NM 292.8 on October 4, 2023. The intermittent delays are to allow needed repairs to sections of hydraulic lines associated with miter gate operations. Due to the nature of the work and the requirement to utilize portable hydraulic units for miter gate operations while repairs are being made, mariners should also expect slightly longer lockage times. A navigation notice update will be issued should the work require additional delays.
  • NAVIGATION NOTICE: SWL 23-57 Sailing Instructions Lifted MPLD DS Approach

    Crews have completed digging and clamming operations in the downstream approach to Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (NM 0.5). The sailing instructions and 70-ft width restriction for this reach mentioned in Navigation Notice No. SWL 23-55 have been lifted.
  • NAVIGATION NOTICE: SWL 23-56 - McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System

    Mariners are advised that crews will be placing rip rap around the Van Buren Railroad Bridge (NM 300.8).  Work will be performed daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., September 25 through October 4, 2023.  Mariners may contact the onsite workboat, M/V Pine Bluff, on VHF-FM channel 16 or 78 or by phone at (318) 452-5448.  Mariners are advised to transit the area with caution.
  • Navigation Notice: SWL 23-55 McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System

    Due to shoaling, mariners are advised that until further notice, both upbound and downbound tows should favor the short wall in the downstream approach at Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (NM 0.5). Also, a 70-ft width restriction is in place to reduce the risk of grounding in the area. Crews are being dispatched to perform digging and clamming operations in the reach. A subsequent navigation notice will be issued once the shoaling has been cleared and the 70-ft width restriction has been lifted.
  • MKARNS NAVIGATION NOTICE - The Lock interlock system upgrades at Joe Hardin Lock (No. 3) NM 50.2 are complete

    The Lock interlock system upgrades at Joe Hardin Lock (No. 3) NM 50.2 are complete. The Lock is fully opened to navigation traffic and no further delays or closures associated with upgrading the Lock interlock system are expected.

    A Military River Crossing Exercise is scheduled to occur September 9 through September 15, 2023, between NM 289.0 and NM 292.8 (James W. Trimble Lock & Dam, No. 13). The exercise is scheduled to take place daily between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Mariners are advised to use extreme caution when transiting the area. Mariners could also experience intermittent delays during this time.

    Mariners should expect to experience intermittent delays at Norrell Lock (No. 1) NM 10.3 and Lock No. 2 NM 13.3 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on September 14 through September 24, 2023. The intermittent delays are required to facilitate underwater dive operations in the Lock chambers.

    James W. Trimble Lock (No. 13) NM 292.8 has reopened to navigation traffic.

    Due to increased river elevations, the crest gate dam at Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (NM 0.5) is lowered and the navigation pass is open. When the Montgomery Point Lock and Dam tailwater elevation drops below 115 ft., the navigation pass will be closed.

    Mariners are advised that the navigation channel may experience intermittent closures under the I-30 Bridge, NM 118.5. The channel in this area could experience intermittent closures for a duration of up to 30 minutes at a time between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m on August 28 – 31 and again on September 20 – 23. The intermittent channel closures are due to steel erection operations for the new bridge. Mariners may contact the onsite workboat M/V Bill O’Donley on VHF Channel 16 or 68 for updates.