The Army Corps of Engineers advises landowners adjacent to public lands on Greers Ferry Lake that survey crews will be conducting surveys and performing boundary maintenance along several sections of government boundary in Cleburne and Van Buren counties.
The work will begin on Sept. 29 and take four to six months to complete. B&F Engineering, of Hot Springs, Ark., will conduct the work under contract with the Corps.
Work will include finding and/or replacing original Corps boundary monuments, clearing brush along the boundary line on the public land side, replacing and repainting survey marker posts, and painting trees in between the survey monuments to serve as reference points.
The crews will also document and map trespasses and structures encroaching onto public property such as sheds, houses, and decks for Corps personnel to review.
In order to complete the survey work, it may be necessary for the contractor’s survey crews to work on or around private property while locating private property corners along with Corps boundary monuments. B&F Engineering crews will attempt to contact adjacent property owners before entering private property. A map has been provided showing specific areas where work is to be performed.
For more information, call the Greers Ferry Project Office at 501-362-2416 or stop by the office located near the dam on Highway 25, three miles north of Heber Springs between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays.
Little Rock District news and recreation information can be found at
Release no. 14-075