Published Aug. 8, 2013
The Corps’ master plans are guidance for all use and development of a project’s federal public lands and waters for environmental stewardship and recreation related purposes throughout its life.

The Corps’ master plans are guidance for all use and development of a project’s federal public lands and waters for environmental stewardship and recreation related purposes throughout its life.

Branson, Mo. -- The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District will hold four open houses Aug. 14-17 in Shell Knob, Kimberling City and twice in Branson to discuss and seek input on the draft Table Rock Master Plan. All interested persons are invited.

The drop-in open houses will be held from noon until 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 14 at the Dewey Short Visitor Center near Branson, Mo., Thursday, Aug. 15 at the Shell Knob Central Community United Methodist Church in Shell Knob, Mo., and Friday, Aug. 16 at the Table Rock Gathering Hall in Kimberling City, Mo.  The last open house will be held from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17, at the Dewey Short Visitor Center.

Corps’ master plans set the vision for all use and development of a project’s federal public lands and waters surrounding our reservoirs, recognizing the ongoing activities of others in the watershed; specifically, environmental stewardship and recreation related purposes.

At the drop-in open houses, a short informational video will be played at 20 minute intervals, providing multiple opportunities for the public to learn more about the Master Plan possible revisions. 

Representatives from the Corps of Engineers will be available to answer questions and maps will be shown to provide an overview of the proposals.   Anyone with any interest in the future management of the lake is encouraged to attend to learn about the draft revised master plan and provide input on possible alternatives for future land use and management at Table Rock Lake.

Comments may also be provided during the public comment period which ends Aug. 30.  Comments can be mailed to:  Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, ATTN: Dana Coburn, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, Ark., 72203.  Or, email your comments to

To review the draft revised Table Rock Master Plan and the draft Environmental Assessment that describes several alternatives and potential impacts, please visit: or call Dana Coburn at 501-324-5601.



Date                Time                           Location

Aug. 14           noon - 4 p.m.              Dewey Short Visitor Center

                       6 p.m. - 8 p.m.            4600 State Hwy. 165, Branson


Aug. 15           noon - 4 p.m.              Shell Knob Central Community United Methodist Church                                        6 p.m. - 8 p.m.            25682 State Hwy. YY, Shell Knob


Aug. 16           noon - 4 p.m.              Table Rock Gathering Hall

                        6 p.m. - 8 p.m.            11 Oak Drive, Kimberling City


Aug. 17           9 a.m. – 3 p.m.            Dewey Short Visitor Center

                                                           4600 State Hwy. 165, Branson



Laurie Driver

Release no. 13-058