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The Public Notices are available in two electronic formats. To read the Public Notice text only (html format), click on the Public Notice number.  To view a Public Notice with its drawings, click on the Public Notice link in the attachments box. (*pdf format).

Archive: September, 2023
  • SWL 2012-00397-2

    Expiration date: 10/25/2023

    Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that Watershed Conservation Resource Center, ATTN: Sandi Formica, 380 W. Rock St., Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, has submitted their West Fork White River Umbrella Mitigation Bank additional site proposal. The proposal outlines Area 2, which was largely identified within the original mitigation bank prospectus. Any relevant public comments received will be forwarded to the applicant to address within the mitigation plan. The Interagency Review Team (IRT), which is made up of the Corps and the pertinent state and Federal resource agencies, will review the mitigation plan and any comments received from the public. The IRT will coordinate with Watershed Conservation Resource Center on any issues until a final mitigation plan is completed. Finally, the District Engineer will review the final mitigation plan and decide to approve or not approve.

  • MSMM Final

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Districts within the State of Missouri (Kansas City, Little Rock, Memphis, Rock Island, St. Louis) (Corps) adopted the Missouri Stream Mitigation Method (MSMM) on March 1, 2007, revised on May 29, 2013. The MSMM is the primary tool the Corps has used for the evaluation of stream impacts and mitigation proposals for Department of the Army permit actions within the State of Missouri. The September 2023 updated revision of the MSMM will enhance the Corps’ ability to protect the Nation’s aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible, and balanced permit decisions. With this notice, the Corps is announcing the final September 2023 MSMM and will begin using it immediately subject to the transition provisions described below.

Questions or Comments

Phone Number:  501-324-5295

Submit Applications to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 867
Little Rock, AR  72203