Rogers, Ark. – With Labor Day weekend upon us, the Army Corps of Engineers Corps is urging all lake users to be mindful that Beaver Lake is about four feet below conservation pool and constantly changing.
Even though the lake is below its conservation pool there is plenty of water for swimming, boating and other activities.
However, officials urge extra precautions. Dock owners should monitor their docks closely and move them as needed to prevent grounding.
Boaters should stay in main river channels, and give the shoreline a wide berth. Some areas may harbor obstacles just below the surface such as land points or rock formations that are usually under deeper water.
While boating, slow down, wear life jackets and use depth finders. Check with local marinas about trouble spots. Be especially careful at night. Boaters are encouraged to stay on the side of a lake with bluffs since water is usually deeper. Gradually sloping shorelines can indicate shallow water depth. A change in water color is also an indication of changing depth. Lighter color often indicates shallower water.
Diving from bluffs and cliffs is not encouraged at Beaver Lake. It can be especially dangerous with falling water levels because underwater logs, rock outcroppings or other obstructions usually well below the water’s surface are now at or right below the surface.
Swimmers should know their limitations, always wear a life jacket and never swim alone.
Swim only in designated areas and use a loaner life jacket if you don’t have one of your own. Parents, designate a child water, it only take a blink of an eye for a child to be out of sight and potentially drown.
For more information, please contact the Beaver Lake Project Office at 479-636-1210.
Release no. 98-16