The Little Rock District Corps of Engineers and the Arkansas Waterways Commission are conducting the Three Rivers Feasibility Study, which is assessing long-term solutions to erosion near the Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (river mile 0.5) at the confluence of the Arkansas, White and Mississippi rivers.
As part of the study, we will be conducting a survey of shippers along the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS) to gauge the economic effects of a potential disruption in navigation through the area near Montgomery Point Lock and Dam due to a breach in river containment structures separating the Arkansas and White rivers.
Representatives of the Corps will be visiting terminals and businesses in the next several weeks to conduct this survey. This navigation notice is to notify all interested parties of the survey. We ask that you share this notice with any interested stakeholders.
Please note that the survey is voluntary, and any specific information will be held in strict confidence, and under federal law (5 U.S.C. Sec. 552 b.4) any proprietary data provided is exempt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Information provided will not be reported for individual survey respondents in the feasibility study report, and the Corps will not release survey data from individual firms to the public.
Questions or requests for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to James McKinnie in the Little Rock District Office, at (501) 324-5739 or (501)324-5096, or you may email
Kevin J. McDaniels
Chief, Operations Division
Release no. SWL 16-39