MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. – The Corps of Engineers is reminding interested persons that the deadline to submit new shoreline activity requests for Bull Shoals Lake is drawing near.
Beginning May1, the Corps will defer acceptance of new requests to establish a baseline number of permits and docks on the lake for officials to use while revising its shoreline management plan. New requests must be received or postmarked by April 29.
This deferral will not affect shoreline permit renewal requests or ownership transfers.
New shoreline activity requests such as new boat docks and dock modifications or new vegetation modification permits (foot paths or mowing) will not be accepted during the shoreline management plan update and all zoning and shoreline management regulations will remain in effect until the plan is revised.
The shoreline management plan for Bull Shoals Lake establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and preservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the shoreline while maintaining a balance between public and private shoreline use.
A series of public workshops will be held to inform the public about the process used to update the Bull Shoals Lake Shoreline Management Plan. The workshops will also allow project personnel to gather information from local residents, lake visitors, state and federal agencies, and other interested parties. The locations, dates and times of these workshops will be announced in the near future.
At the public workshops, representatives from the Corps of Engineers will present an overview on the shoreline management plan update process. Anyone interest in the future shoreline management of Bull Shoals Lake is encouraged to attend.
As more information becomes available regarding the shoreline management plan revision it will be posted here:
Release no. 16-039