This morning ten spillway gates were opened four and one-half feet releasing 58,500 cubic feet per second in addition to the 8,500 c.f.s. being released through the turbine generators. The total release is 67,000 c.f.s. The lake is expected to crest tomorrow between 935 and 936 feet above sea level. Hourly inflows into the lake are currently 300,000 c.f.s.
Daily lake information can be obtained at or the Corps’ mobile App which can be found in mobile App stores by searching for USACE Little Rock. You can find the spillway release information next to the word “note” at the top of the Beaver and Table Rock water control pages under the releases tab on our app or by clicking real time data on our water control web page.
Little Rock District news and recreation information can be found at
Release no. 15-123