MKARNS Nav Notice SWL 15-68 Montgomery Point L&D Emphasis on Draft Depth in the Navigation Pass

Published Oct. 9, 2015
Navigation Notice

Navigation Notice

Mariners were notified in Navigation Notice SWL 14-39 of a plan to raise and exercise the navigation pass crest gates when the tailwater reached elevation 117’ and falling.  The objective was to clear an obstruction behind crest gate #8, which could not be lowered below elevation 105’.

The plan was conducted on September 30, 2015.  Gate #8 is now within six inches of its fully lowered position (elevation 102’), as are some of the other crest gates.  Sediment buildup on the downstream side of the crest gates is preventing the last few inches of travel.  The rest of the crest gates are in their proper, fully lowered position.

To clear the remaining sediment, the navigation pass will  be closed, and the crest gates exercised, when the tailwater reaches elevation 115.5’ and falling.  During this navigation pass closure all vessels will be required to use the lock.  Normal operational procedures will resume when all crest gates can be fully lowered.  Vessels are encouraged to contact Montgomery Point Lock and Dam on Channel 16 or visit for further information and Montgomery Point tailwater elevations.

Questions or requests for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to James McKinnie in the Little Rock District Office, at (501) 324-5739 or (501) 324-5096, or you may email



Kevin J. McDaniels

Chief, Operations Division
Little Rock District Operations Technical Support Branch
James McKinnie

Release no. SWL 15-068