As of 15 Aug 2015 and continuing thru 24 Aug 2015, the Motor Vessel Sea Lion, attending plant and divers will be conducting pipeline salvage operations at NM 117. Salvage operations will be conducted 7 days per week and hours of operation will be 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays continuing Monday thru Friday 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. Upbound traffic is requested to contact the M/V Sea Lion when approaching David D. Terry Lock and Dam #6 (NM 108) and downbound traffic when approaching Murray Lock and Dam #7(NM 125) for passing instructions via vhf-fm ch 72 or 16. Mariners are advised to transit the area with caution and at slowest safe speed.
Questions or requests for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to James McKinnie in the Little Rock District Office, at (501)324-5739 or (501)324-5096, or you may email
Kevin J. McDaniels
Chief, Operations Division
Release no. SWL 15-057