MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. -- The Army Corps of Engineers is extending the comment period for public input concerning the Bull Shoals Lake Master Plan through Oct. 8.
Because of a computer glitch, comments emailed Aug. 11-12 to cannot be retrieved.
“We are unsure how many comments were emailed to us on Aug. 11 and 12 but we want to ensure that everyone who commented is heard,” Project Manager Dana Coburn said. “We are asking individuals who emailed their comments to us on those two days to please send us their comments again. This only affects people who emailed the Corps on Aug. 11 and 12.”
Comments can be mailed to: Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, ATTN: Dana Coburn, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, Ark., 72203. Or email your comments to
More information is available on the Internet at
Release no. 14-080