PIEDMONT, Mo. – The Army Corps of Engineers Clearwater Lake staff is proud to announce that applications are available for our annual mobility impaired deer hunt for non-ambulatory hunters, Oct. 18 through Oct.19, as well as our third annual Wounded Warrior deer hunt, Oct. 25 through Oct. 26. Both hunts will take place within Clearwater Lake’s Watchable Wildlife Area.
This is the 12th year we have hosted a special hunt, and we are excited about this year’s opportunities. From a management standpoint, this hunt helps regulate the deer herd that resides in the Watchable Wildlife Area. Removing some of these deer provides remaining animals with more food, reduces chances of over population, and maintains an overall healthier deer herd. Permanent blinds are strategically placed for the hunters.
Mobility impaired hunt applicants must have a permanent physical condition that severely impairs their mobility from either paralysis or amputation of lower extremities that requires assistance from a wheelchair, braces, crutches or other similar aids of mobility. Wounded Warrior hunt applicants must be a veteran, wounded while serving our country.
Three permits will be issued per hunt. Each hunter is allowed to harvest one deer.
Applications for the managed hunts are available from the Clearwater Lake Project Office as well as from our website. To obtain an online application go our website and select the correct application for the hunt you wish to apply for. Completed applications can be faxed, emailed, or mailed to the Clearwater Project Office, but must be received by Sept. 30.
Contact info: Clearwater Lake Project Office
RR 3 Box 3559 D
Piedmont, MO 63957
Fax: 573-223-4029
Email: Project.Clearwater.Project.Info@usace.army.mil
For more information about these special hunts, contact Natural Resource Specialists Chris Alley or Doug Stilts at the Clearwater Lake Project Office at 573-223-7777.
Hunt applications, general lake/agency information, as well as maps are available on our website at: http://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Lakes/ClearwaterLake.aspx.
Little Rock District news and recreation information can be found at www.about.me/usacelittlerock.