HEBER SPRINGS, Ark. – When weather conditions are favorable the Army Corps of Engineers, Greers Ferry Project Office in coordination with the Arkansas Forestry Commission and other state agencies will conduct prescribed burns during the next several months in and around Greers Ferry Lake park areas.
Personnel will conduct prescribed burns at Lake Ice Road, Dam Site, Devils Fork, Heber Springs, Narrows, and Old Hwy 25 parks. More locations may be added if weather permits.
Corps officials said prescribed burns improve timber stand health and enhance wildlife value. Burning supports annual reestablishment of favorable native grasses and herbs which create food resources and cover for foraging and nesting wildlife.
It also reduces leaf accumulation and decreases the chances of damaging wild fires in developed parks during high-use summer months.
For more information, call the Greers Ferry Project office at 501-362-2416.
Recreation information can be found on the Internet at www.swl.usace.army.mil, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/littlerockusace, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/usacelittlerock.
Release no. 13-087