Due to rainfall across Oklahoma and Arkansas in the past several days, Ozark-Jeta Taylor Lock and Dam (No.12) NM 256.8 and James W. Trimble Lock and Dam (No. 13) NM 292.8 will suspend their daily lock closure for maintenance periods until flows recede.
Mariners are asked to contact the lock operators via radio on Channel 16 or phone (Ozark 479-667-2120, Trimble 479-452-0488) in advance of arrival to be advised of current conditions.
Questions or requests for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to James McKinnie in the Little Rock District Office, at (501) 324-5739 or (501) 324-5096, or you may email CESWL-OP-OM@usace.army.mil.
John A. Balgavy, P.E.
Chief, Operations Division
Release no. SWL 13-22