Branson, Mo. -- The Army Corps of Engineers is reminding interested persons that it will hold three public workshops Nov. 28-29 and Dec. 1 in Reeds Spring, Shell Knob and Branson to discuss the update process and seek input on the Table Rock Lake Master Plan Revision. All interested persons are invited.
The workshops will be held from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28 at Reeds Spring High School in Reeds Spring, Mo., and Thursday, Nov. 29 at Shell Knob Elementary School in Shell Knob, Mo. The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 1 at the Dewey Short Visitor Center outside Branson, Mo.
The Corps’ master plans are used to guide all use and development of a project’s federal public lands and waters for environmental stewardship and recreation related purposes, throughout its life.
At the public workshops, representatives from the Corps of Engineers and its contractors will present a background on the master plan revision process to include explaining the difference between a master plan and a shoreline management plan. Participants would then break into small groups to encourage greater interaction and input. Anyone with any interest in the future management of Table Rock Lake is encouraged to attend and participate.
The public’s input may also be provided at the workshops or during the public comment period. The comment period is Nov. 14 through Dec. 14. Comments can be mailed to: Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, ATTN: Dana Coburn, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, Ark., 72203. Or, email your comments to
For more information about the master plan revision process go to the following website: or call Dana Coburn at 501-324-5601.
Release no. 12-090