MKARNS Nav Notice SWL 22-56 Sailing Instruction Update NM 221.4 - NM 222.4

Little Rock District Operations Technical Services Branch
Published Oct. 11, 2022
Navigation Notice

Navigation Notice

Due to shoaling, mariners are advised that until further notice, both upbound and downbound tows should continue to run the red line at NM 221.4 and the green line from NM 221.7 to NM 222.4.  The channel narrows to a 180’ width at locations within this area, therefore no passing is advised from NM 221.4 to NM 222.4.

Also, the pool will be drawn down toward lower limits at times during the next several weeks.  This is due to power demands and water conservation measures in upper reservoirs related to dry conditions.  This will potentially create an increase in shoaling hazards in this reach.  Mariners are requested to continue to report in-channel bumps or groundings experienced during their transit to the next lock.

Questions or requests for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to the Little Rock District Office, at (501) 324-5096 or you may email

Christopher B. Roark
Chief, Operations Division

Little Rock District Operations Technical Services Branch

Release no. 22-106