MKARNS Nav Notice SWL 22-45 Closure - Montgomery Point Lock & Navigation Pass

Little Rock District Operations Technical Support Branch
Published Sept. 4, 2022
Navigation Notice

Navigation Notice

Mariners are advised that Montgomery Point Lock and Dam (NM 0.5) is currently closed to all navigation traffic.  Due to falling river elevations, the crest gates have been raised and the navigation pass is closed.  Due to problems with the operation of the lock miter gates, vessels are not able to pass through the lock at this time.  USACE maintenance team members are assessing the problem and plan to resolve the issue as soon as possible.  A navigation notice will be distributed when the lock is operable.   

Vessels may contact Montgomery Point Lock and Dam on Channel 16 for further information.  

Questions or requests for additional information concerning this notice should be directed to the Little Rock District Office, at (501) 324-5096 or you may email

Christopher B. Roark
Chief, Operations Division

Little Rock District Operations Technical Support Branch

Release no. 22-089