USACE announces second public workshop for Beaver Lake land acquisition study

Little Rock District USACE
Published Aug. 30, 2022
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ROGERS, Ark. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a drop-in public workshop from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. September 13 at the Four Points by Sheraton Bentonville, 211 SE Walton Blvd., Bentonville, Arkansas. Information will be available at the workshop regarding potentially impacted properties and the newly proposed willing sellers only acquisition alternative. All interested persons are invited to attend the workshop and provide comments. Representatives from the Little Rock District will be present to answer questions on the acquisition process.  

The Flood Control Act of 1954 authorized construction of Beaver Lake for flood control, power, and other purposes. An accompanying Real Estate Design Memorandum developed prior to construction identified land and interests necessary for the operation and maintenance of the reservoir. The methods and technology used to identify and purchase these lands at the time left some low-lying areas unacquired. As a result, the current Federal Government boundary around Beaver Lake does not meet the full mission requirements.

USACE initiated a process in March 2021 to assess all low-lying private land parcels along Beaver Lake that were unacquired by USACE in the original acquisition to include, the White River, and War Eagle Creek Analysis showed the insufficient land base has negative impacts on the Congressionally mandated missions and identified approximately 500 landowners that may be impacted.  The USACE is attempting to contact potentially impacted property owners by mail to invite them to attend and comment.

           In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and other applicable laws and regulations, a 30-day public comment period will begin on September 13 and end on October 13. Information regarding the revised acquisition process and comment instructions will be available beginning September 1 at the following Little Rock District website: .
            For questions, please contact the Beaver Lake Project Office at (501) 340-1230 or the Little Rock District Office at (501) 324-5551. Written questions and comments can be submitted online at or mailed to Project Manager, PPMD, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 or emailed to 

Public Affairs

Release no. 22-082