ROGERS, Ark. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a drop-in public workshop from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. March 16 at the Four Points by Sheraton Bentonville, 211 SE Walton Blvd., Bentonville, Arkansas to discuss the process to acquire private land parcels that are frequently inundated by Beaver Lake during normal lake elevations and make comments about the Draft Environmental Assessment. All interested persons are invited to attend the workshop.
The Flood Control Act of 1954 authorized construction of Beaver Lake for the purposes of flood control and hydroelectric power production. Subsequent legislation added recreation as an authorized public purpose, and there are several environmental and land use statutes that also apply to operations at Beaver Lake.
A Real Estate Design Memorandum was developed prior to construction that identified land and interests necessary for the operation, maintenance, and control of the reservoir. the methods and technology used at the time to identify and purchase these lands left several frequently inundated areas unacquired by USACE. As a result, the Federal Government boundary around Beaver Lake is uneven and at varying elevations.
USACE is reviewing site-specific data at areas around the reservoir, the White River and War Eagle Creek where water routinely inundates privately-owned property at the seasonal conservation pool or flood pool.
Currently, USACE estimates approximately 500 landowners are impacted. The acquisition of affected parcels is expected to take several years, contingent on available funding. The initial acquisition effort would target land that is routinely inundated.
At the drop-in public workshops, a short informational video will play continuously providing the opportunity for the public to learn more about the land acquisition plan.
Representatives from the Little Rock District will be present to answer questions on the acquisition plan.
The public’s input may be provided at the workshop or at any time during the public comment period. The draft Environmental Assessment will be released and posted on the Beaver Lake Land Acquisition webpage on March 9 and the public comment period will run from March 16 through April 15. Comments may be submitted via mail, email or fax with attention to: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, Real Estate Division, ATTN: Chief, Acquisition Branch, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 or emailed to
For more information about the Beaver Lake Land Acquisition process, please visit