LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District is receiving $203.5 million from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that will be used for the district’s civil works program.
The proposed funding will improve the reliability and resilience of the district’s multi-purpose reservoirs, inland waterway navigation system, and flood control projects.
The IIJA funds include $72.3 million in operation and maintenance funds to provide reliable navigation via the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. The Three Rivers project, a navigation and environmental project at the confluence of the Arkansas, Mississippi and White rivers is receiving $109.1 million to be used to complete the project.
Bull Shoals and Norfork dams in north Arkansas are receiving $10.4 million for operation and maintenance funds and Clearwater Lake in southeastern Missouri is receiving $2 million. The reservoirs provide flood risk reduction in the White River watershed.
Multiple projects in the district’s Continuing Authorities Program also received funding allocations:
- Skull Creek Section 14 Feasibility $125,000
- Conway 205 Feasibility $250,000
- Prairie Creek Pre-Construction Engineering and Design $825,000
- Russellville Harbor Construction completion funding $8.5 million
Engineers use the CAP program to plan, design, and implement certain types of water resource projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. The purpose of the CAP is to plan and implement projects of limited size, cost, scope and complexity.
For additional Corps projects included in the IIJA work plan go to
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Release no. 22-005