President’s FY22 Budget: $268.3 million for Little Rock District projects

Published June 3, 2021
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, reports that the President’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget includes $268.3 million in federal funding for the district’s civil works program.

This is part of the $6.79 billion in discretionary funding for the Army Corps’ civil works program worldwide. The proposed funding will improve the reliability and resilience of the district’s multi-purpose reservoirs and inland waterway navigation system, while enhancing the environment, generating hydroelectric power, providing recreational activities to the public and reducing the risk of flooding.

The FY22 budget provides $119.3 million for operation and maintenance of 12 reservoirs across Arkansas and southern Missouri. The reservoirs provide flood risk reduction in the White River and Little River watersheds and create recreation opportunities for the 20 million people that visit the district’s recreation areas each year. Additionally, several of the district’s reservoirs provide reliable drinking water to more than 400,000 people annually.

Also included in the budget is $56.1 million in operations and maintenance funds to provide reliable navigation via the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. The Three Rivers Project is proposed to receive $149 million new start construction funding in the FY22 budget. The project is currently in the Pre-construction, Engineering and Design phase. The district is planning a Design-Build contract award with FY22 funding, for a portion of the Three Rivers construction features.

A list of Civil Works projects, programs and activities included in the FY22 budget are available at:

The Little Rock District manages $6.5 billion in public infrastructure across 750,000 acres of public land and water. The district is responsible for more than 300 miles of navigable waterways, 13 navigation locks and dams, seven hydroelectric power plants, 146 public parks, and 12 multi-purpose reservoirs which have prevented more than $5.1 billion in flood damages.

The district’s additional missions include emergency response and regulatory responsibilities in Arkansas.

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Release no. 21-049