Published May 22, 2019
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – The Army Corps of Engineers warns the public that flows on the Arkansas River are anticipated to exceed the May 1990 flood event flows because of persistent rainfall in Oklahoma.
A small craft advisory was issued April 14. During high flows, strong currents and large debris can threaten the safety of pleasure craft. Small craft advisories are issued when flows exceed 70,000 cubic feet per second.
Flows at Trimble Lock and Dam near Fort Smith are 170,000 cubic feet per second and are expected to peak Saturday, May 25 at about 530,000 c.f.s. Flows at Dardanelle Lock and Dam at Russellville are 170,000 c.f.s. and expected to peak Monday, May 27 at about 500,000 c.f.s. Flows at Toad Suck Lock and Dam at Conway are 165,000 c.f.s. and expected to peak Tuesday, May 28 at about 485, 000 c.f.s. Flows at Murray Lock and Dam at Little Rock are 175,000 c.f.s. and expected to peak Wednesday, May 29 at about 475, 000 c.f.s. Flows at Emmett Sanders Lock and Dam at Pine Bluff are 174,000 c.f.s. and are expected to peak Friday, May 31 at 450,000 c.f.s. Flows at Dam 2 near Tichnor are 180,000 c.f.s. are expected to peak Sunday, June 2 at 450,000 c.f.s.
The National Weather Service predicts river stages and reminds persons along the Arkansas River to be monitoring their website in order to make decisions about whether to move livestock, equipment and belongings to higher ground. People in at-risk areas should also stay in contact with local emergency officials.
The river forecast website is
For persons who are interested in the Arkansas River in Western Arkansas the National Weather Service link for Van Buren is:
For Central Arkansas the forecast site is just outside Conway at:
For those interested in the Arkansas River in eastern Arkansas, the Pine Bluff forecast information is:
Daily river information can be obtained at or the Corps’ mobile App which can be found in mobile App stores by searching for USACE Little Rock.

Laurie Driver

Release no. 19-050