PIEDMONT, Mo. – Recent repeated rainfall over the Black River Basin has resulted in high lake levels at Clearwater Lake.
On May 21, the lake was 521.95 mean sea level and falling. The normal seasonal pool elevation this time of year would be 498 msl.
The high water has caused some park facilities to close and visitors are urged to use an extra measure of caution, especially as Memorial Day Weekend approaches.
Parks facilities affected by the high lake levels are Piedmont Park, Bluff View Park and Webb Creek Park. All of the launch ramps and swim beaches are currently flooded. The lower level parking lots are flooded as well.
When driving thru the parks, please pay attention to signage and use caution because some of the roads are underwater and turning around may be an issue. In Bluff View Park 15 camp sites in C section are closed and six camp sites are closed in Webb Creek Park.
Corps officials encourage boaters to keep in mind the high water may cause trees, stumps, logs and other obstacles that are normally on dry ground to float out into the lake which pose hazards to boaters, skiers, jet skis and other water activities.
Boaters should take extra precautions when on the water, slow down, use their kill switch, wear life jackets, give the shoreline a wide berth and refrain from drinking alcohol. No one should dive into the lake from bluffs or trees because of the potential for striking submerged obstacles or debris such as rock ledges or large tree limbs.
Those who recreate downstream of the dam should remain alert for strong currents and changing conditions because of high releases while the flood pool is being emptied.
If you are planning a trip to Clearwater and would like an update on conditions, please call 573-223-7777 or visit the lake’s web site at https://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Lakes/Clearwater-Lake/.
Release no. 19-045