MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. -- What do you do with the Christmas tree when the holiday is over? Complete your gift giving by donating your discarded tree for fish cover in Bull Shoals or Norfork lakes. Many local anglers sink these discarded Christmas trees to provide improved fish habitat.
Take your old Christmas tree to any Corps of Engineers boat ramp on Norfork or Bull Shoals lakes and deposit them to the side, being careful not to block the ramp and parking areas.
All trees should be real, not artificial, and must be free of ornaments and tinsel to prevent harm to fish. The trees will then be available for anyone interested in using them to provide shelter for fish and serve as attractors for recreational fishing. Anyone wanting to use these trees is welcome to pick them up to sink as fish cover. Any unclaimed trees will be sunk by Corps of Engineers personnel at a later date.
If you have any questions regarding this program contact Natural Resource Specialist Ty Fowler by calling 870-425-2700 ext. 1433.
Release no. 18-182