LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District is warning about an email spoof citizens are receiving with an invoice attached.
The emails are spoofing the Little Rock District email addresses tied to the shoreline management plan revision at Table Rock Lake and the master plan revision at Bull Shoals Lake. As master plans and shoreline management plans are currently under revision at Beaver Lake and Greers Ferry Lake there is the potential for spoofing from these addresses as well.
Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address to acquire personal information or money. At first glance the email appears to have been sent from the Corps but on closer inspection shows that it may have a .com extension tied to the address. All official Corps emails will end in .mil.
If you receive an email which appears to be from the Corps with an invoice attached, please do not open the attachment and delete the email. If you are unsure if an email is actually from the Corps, contact the Corps’ office closest to you.
Release no. 18-150