MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. -- The Army Corps of Engineers wants to remind boaters that Arkansas spearfishing season opens on June 15. The clear, clean lakes attract many divers, and the opening of spearfishing season promises to draw an even higher numbers of divers to area lakes.
Divers are required to display a dive flag while engaging in scuba activities. A dive flag must be a minimum of 12 inches by 12 inches and is red with a white stripe. Divers are required to stay within 300 feet of their flag, and boats are required to stay at least 100 feet from a dive flag.
When operating in the area of dive activities, boaters should be on the lookout for bubbles indicating a diver’s location underwater, and for divers at the surface. Paying attention to your surroundings and keeping a proper lookout is imperative for safe boating.
Recreation information can be found on the Internet at, on Facebook at, and on Twitter at!/usacelittlerock.
Release no. 18-099