HAVE A FUN MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, BUT BE SAFE LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- The summer recreation season officially begins with Memorial Day weekend festivities, and officials of the Little Rock District of the Army Corps of Engineers want you to have fun but be safe at one of the many Corps parks.
These parks offer a wide range of facilities, to include various combinations of boat ramps, picnic areas, group picnic shelters, game courts, playgrounds, hiking trails and campgrounds. A day at the lake wouldn’t be complete without partaking in one of many water sports, such as fishing, swimming, boating, skiing or scuba diving.
To be fun, a day at the lake must also be a safe day. Here are a few water safety tips:
* Wear your life jacket.
* Don’t drink alcoholic beverages and drive.
* Check all equipment before getting underway.
* Know your boat and follow the rules.
* Stay abreast of the weather.
* Task everyone in the boat to help keep proper lookout.
* Never swim alone.
* Know your limits.
* Don’t swim and drink alcoholic beverages.
* Swim in designated areas.
* Don’t swim in rivers subject to strong currents.
* Pay attention and obey all buoys and markers.
More recreation information can be found on the Internet at www.swl.usace.army.mil, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/littlerockusace, and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/usacelittlerock.