PIEDMONT, Mo.,– The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Clearwater Lake hosted deer hunts for Veterans with service related disabilities on Oct. 21 and 22 and mobility impaired hunters on Nov. 4 and 5 in the Watchable Wildlife Area of the Clearwater Lake Project. This was the 15th successful year for these hunts, and is a great asset in helping manage the deer herd in the Watchable Wildlife Area.
Applicants, Frank Skiles from De Soto, Charles Lilliech from Imperial, MO, and Bobby Graham from Piedmont were randomly selected for the Veteran’s hunt. Applicants, Larry Broeker from Greenville, Patrick Casey from Kansas City, and Lewis Miller from Poplar Bluff were randomly selected for the mobility impaired hunt. During the two day hunts, a total of seventeen deer were seen, and four were harvested. Mr. Casey harvested a 10 point buck on the first morning. His buck was lured into range using a grunt call, which made for a very exciting experience for him and his assistant! Mr. Broeker harvested an 8 point buck on the first evening. Broeker stopped the buck with a bleat call after coyotes that were harassing turkeys spooked the buck into the open food plot. Mr. Miller took his antlerless deer the first evening and Mr. Graham took his spike the second evening in a food plot.
This was a great year for the Clearwater hunts! All hunters’ had the opportunity to harvest a deer, Marion Piper of Van Buren presented Veterans with “Quilts of Valor” (quilts that she made herself), the VFW in Van Buren donated fish, fries, and oil for tow fish frys, and a great time was had by all! The project office personnel would like to thank volunteers Bill Johnston and Gale Wells for lending their time to fry the fish for the hunters and assist Mr. Lilliech after his assistant canceled at the last minute.
These hunts are open only to those with permanent mobility impairment or Veterans with service related disabilities. Individuals may harvest one deer, which may either be antlerless, or one with antlers. It appears the event is growing in popularity because applications are being received not only from hunters in the local community but also throughout Missouri.
The Corps is continually searching for new ways to provide everyone with opportunities to use and enjoy our public lands. If you would like to help with this event in the future, or if you have ideas for other events, please call the Clearwater Lake Project Office at 573-223-7777.
As always, the staff at Clearwater Lake encourages you to come out and enjoy your public lands and see first-hand the work done to enhance your natural resources and other recreational opportunities. For more information on wildlife viewing opportunities or managed hunts at Clearwater Lake, contact the project office.
To ensure a developed campsite will be available upon your arrival, call the National Recreation Reservation Service at 1-877-444-6777 or visit the website at www.recreation.gov and make your reservations in advance. Other general lake and agency information can be
retrieved from the Internet at www.swl.usace.army.mil/parks.
For lake levels, releases and forecasted Black River conditions, links to the Lower
Mississippi River Forecast Center and the Corps of Engineers Water Management websites are now located on the Clearwater Dam and Info Webpage at www.swl.usace.army.mil/parks/clearwater/damandlake.htm.
For more information about these special hunts, contact Natural Resource Specialist Chris Alley at the Clearwater Lake Project Office at 573-223-7777.
Hunt applications, general lake/agency information, as well as maps are available on our website at: http://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/Lakes/ClearwaterLake/