Published May 5, 2017
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PIEDMONT, Mo. – The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District expects releases from Clearwater Lake to gradually increase to about 7,000 cubic feet per second by Saturday afternoon. The pool is expected to crest at elevation 570.8 at that time.

Persistent rainfall across the Clearwater basin, Wednesday and Thursday, has resulted in a modest increase of inflow into Clearwater Lake.  The slow nature of the rainfall and modest runoff did not cause rapid changes to the lake level but causing a slow increase the pool’s peak and releases from the dam. 

This morning the lake was at elevation 569.55 with 107 percent of its flood storage capacity in use. The top of the overflow spillway is elevation 567.

Portions of Missouri Highway HH going to Clearwater Dam may have closures at times because of flood waters.  Drivers are asked to pay attention to traffic signs that inform them of changes in road conditions and closures.  For further road information visit the Missouri Department of Transportation website at 

Army Corps of Engineers personnel are monitoring lake levels and maintaining 24-hour surveillance, and the dam is sound.  Personnel from the Corps’ Clearwater Lake Project Office are staying in contact with state and local officials to coordinate public safety information.

Daily lake information can be obtained at or the Corps’ mobile App which can be found in mobile App stores by searching for USACE Little Rock.



Laurie Driver

Release no. 17-076