Dam and Lake Info
Norfork Dam is located on North Fork River, at river mile 4.8, four miles northeast of Norfork, Arkansas. There are 1,806 square miles of drainage above the dam.
Norfork is one of four multiple-purpose projects constructed in the upper White River Basin for control of floods and generation of hydroelectric power. The project also offers excellent recreational opportunities.
Construction of the dam was initiated in the spring of 1941 and was completed three years later, while construction of the powerhouse and switchyard was completed October 1949. Commercial generation was begun in 1944. Overall construction cost of dam and powerhouse was approximately $ 28,600,000.
Dam Safety
Be aware of hazardous water conditions near the dam. Below the dam, listen for a warning horn or siren signaling a discharge of water and watch for conditions that may signal rising water. Observe warning signs and buoys, and stay out of restricted areas.