us army corps of engineers logo - white castle on red background

Beaver Lake 

Natural Resources

 Natural Resources

The Beaver Lake Project Office is responsible for the management and stewardship of over 40,463 acres. There are 38,039 acres owned in fee and 2,242 acres are in flowage easement. The Corps is the largest Federal provider of outdoor recreation. Comprehensive natural resource plans are developed to guide the Corps efforts toward accomplishing this goal. The Corps of Engineers, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, state, county and city municipalities, and volunteer groups play important roles in the cooperative management of the lands and waters at Beaver Lake. One unique attraction to the lower end of the lake is the annual return of "leu", a leucistic bald eagle. It is a genetic mutation that causes birds to have white feathers where they normally would not. Bring you camera, board your boat, and you might get a glimpse of this rare bald eagle, as well as observing other bald eagles during the winter months.



Wise management of natural resources, including land and water, on and around Beaver Lake is necessary and important to maintain the quality environment we enjoy. The public land that surrounds the lake provides a buffer that ensures high quality water, as well as habitat for the abundant wildlife and plants found here. Our goal for managing this land is to restore it to or maintain its natural conditions and enhance native plant and animal populations.


Water Supply

All water storage for Beaver Lake is allocated to: flood control, hydropower, water supply, and fish & wildlife purposes. Beaver Lake was authorized as a supplier of public waters by the Water Supply Act of 1958. There are 4 intake structures that withdraw water from Beaver Lake. This includes extraction, treatment, and sale of water to municipalities and regional water associations. Up to 22, 800,000 million gallons per day may be withdrawn for over 400,000 customers in Northwest Arkansas. Just as important as the public lands that surround Beaver Lake, water quality cannot be neglected. The quality of water has a direct and economic impact for the industry of the region, as well as for recreation activities such as camping, swimming, boating, hunting, and fishing.

 Cultural Resources

The Beaver Lake cultural resource management program was implemented under the guidelines of the archeological and historic preservation laws and regulations.There is two archeological sites on Beaver Lake that are listed on the National Register. Both are in the Monte Ne area: Coin Harvey's amphitheater and the remaining tower of the Oklahoma Row Motel.


Archeological Resources

The Beaver Lake archeological resource management program was implemented under the guidelines of several Federal laws and regulations, including the Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA). A continuous effort will be made to identify and protect cultural sites at Beaver Lake; as well as educate the public. The collection of arrowheads or other artifacts from the surface of public lands for private purposes without a permit shall be prohibited. Title 36, Chapter II, Part 327.14 (a) states in part….The destruction, defacement, removal or any alteration of public property, including historical and archaeological features is prohibited except when in accordance with written permission from the District Commander.

Regulatory Mission

The mission of the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program is to protect the Nation's aquatic resources, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. The Corps evaluates permit applications for essentially all construction activities that occur in the Nation's waters, including wetlands. Corps permits are also necessary for any work, including construction and dredging, in the Nation's navigable waters. The Corps balances the reasonably foreseeable benefits and detriments of proposed projects, and makes permit decisions that recognize the essential values of the Nation's aquatic ecosystems to the general public, as well as the property rights of private citizens who want to use their land. The Corps strives to make its permit decisions in a timely manner that minimizes impacts to the regulated public. Approval will be granted by the Chief, Regulatory Branch. Contact the Regulatory Project Manager at the Beaver Lake Project Office by calling (479) 636-1210, ext. 1712, or fax at (479) 636-1907. 


Real Estate

The Real Estate Division provides the required real estate services for the Department of Defense, for Army civil works programs and for other designated Government agencies. Administers the management and disposal of real property for both civil works and military projects. Acquires real estate interests for civil works projects within the District civil boundaries. Acts as the real estate representative for Army and Air Force in support of land management, disposal, inleasing and outleasing, Armed Forces Recruiting facilities, Leased Family Housing, and U.S. Army Reserves within the designated military boundaries. Initiates, plans, directs and executes mobilization and natural disaster actions as required. In conjunction with Office of Counsel, provides legal review, advice, and opinions and accomplishes all legal functions requested by and in support of the Acquisition and Management and Disposal sections and Appraisals. At the local level, the Real Estate Specialist administers the long term leases for 7 full-service commercial marina concessions, which includes 1750 rental slips as well as 9 limited motel/resort leases, and 28 public boat ramps that are liscened to County or State agencies. Contact the Real Estate Specialist at the Beaver Lake Project Office by calling (479) 636-1210, ext. 1200, or fax at (479) 636-1907.


Contact Us

Beaver Lake Project Office

2260 N. 2nd Street
Rogers, AR 72756

Phone: (479) 636-1210. ext 1701
Fax: (479) 636-1907/501-324-5472

Duty Ranger: (479) 636-1210, ext 1710
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Duty Ranger Appointments: Monday 8:00 a.m. – noon, and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.