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Beaver Lake 

Beaver Lake - Dock Modification Request

 Solar Electric may be requested for your boat dock with this form and does not require adherence to the 2018 Access Requirements. All other dock modification requests must be made in person or over the phone with the Beaver Lake Duty Ranger. Per the 2018 Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan and associated Boating Capacity Study, NEW boat slips are no longer available for request on Beaver Lake.

The Duty Ranger will return messages Monday through Friday during normal business hours at 479-636-1210, ext. 1710.

They can assist you with boat dock and other shoreline-related issues.


Lockers may be installed without prior approval from the Corps of Engineers if they are installed according to the 2018 Shoreline Management Plan’s requirements:

1. Lockers must be installed in an approved location. Approved locations are at the end of slip fingers, cantilevered off the shoreside of the dock, or anywhere 3’ of safe walkway space can be maintained.

2. Lockers must have an 18 sq. ft. footprint or less.

3. Only one storage locker is allowed per slip.

ALSO: Any modification to an existing facility requires all owners to meet the access requirements of the 2018 Shoreline Management Plan. This includes single and multi-owner docks.



Dock Specifics


2018 Access Requirements

1. Must be an adjacent landowner to public land

2. Must share at least 75’ of common boundary with public land within Limited Development Area (LDA) zoning

3. Must own private property within 200’ of the approved dock site.

Contact Us

Beaver Lake Project Office

2260 N. 2nd Street
Rogers, AR 72756

Phone: (479) 636-1210. ext 1701
Fax: (479) 636-1907/501-324-5472

Duty Ranger: (479) 636-1210, ext 1710
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Duty Ranger Appointments: Monday 8:00 a.m. – noon, and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.