us army corps of engineers logo - white castle on red background

Beaver Lake 

Beaver Lake Shoreline Information

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Expand List item 24003Collapse List item 24003  

Flowage Easement

Flowage easements were acquired above the blocked out fee acquisition line up to, as a general rule, elevation 1,135 or 1,148 m.s.l.  A flowage easement gives the Government the perpetual right to flood privately owned land, if necessary, for the operation of the project and to prohibit any structures for human habitation or sewage facilities.  Other types of structures on flowage easement must be approved prior to construction.  In those areas where acquisition was extended to include the easement contour.  As a result of this blocking out process, the Government boundary is a very uneven line rather than a simple contour line around the lake.

Expand List item 24004Collapse List item 24004  

Project Boundary Line

The real property fee acquisition line for Beaver Lake, as a general rule, was blocked out along regular land subdivisions or property ownership lines to include all lands below 1,128 m.s.l. or to include the lands required for public access areas.  In addition, flowage easements were acquired above the blocked out fee acquisition line up to, as a general rule, elevation 1,135 or 1,148 m.s.l.  The Government Property Line (GPL) is a very uneven line rather than a contour line around the lake.  The entire boundary line on Beaver Lake has been surveyed and is defined by survey monuments placed at ground level.  The survey markers are 3 ½ -inch diameter, round brass caps stamped to show the monument number, the year surveyed, and the agency, Little Rock Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army.  A five-foot white, steel fence post is set approximately one-foot from the survey marker or monument, between the monument and water’s edge.  Some trees along the boundary line are marked with a white blaze or band as an additional aid to location of the GPL.  These trees however are usually off-line and indicate that the GPL is nearby. 

Adjoining property owners are encouraged to build permanent structures a sufficient distance back from the Government Property Line (GPL) to allow for maintenance of the structure and reduce the possibility of an encroachment by the subsequent addition of decks, porches, steps, patios, extension of landscaping or backyard appearance, etc.  Other than pedestrian access or general public recreation activities, any activity on public land not authorized by a permit/outgrant may be considered an encroachment, trespass, or degradation of public property and is a violation of the Rules and Regulations contained in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations 327. 

Expand List item 24005Collapse List item 24005  

Real Estate Instruments

Requests involving commercial development, rights-of-way, changes in the landform (e.g. steps, stairs, waterlines, power lines, grading, cutting or fills), launching ramps, roads, or establishment of land-based support facilities will be evaluated by the Little Rock District Real Estate Branch.  Approval will be granted by the Chief, Real Estate Branch.  Contact the Beaver Lake Project Office for assistance and information.

Expand List item 24006Collapse List item 24006  

Shoreline Allocation and Permits

The shoreline of Beaver Lake is currently allocated into four major categories in accordance with 36 CFR 327.30, Shoreline Management of Civil Works Projects.  These allocations extend from the water’s edge to the project boundary for land-based uses and from the shoreline water ward for floating facility considerations.  The four categories are: (1) Limited Development Area.  Private floating facilities, vegetative modification, footpath construction, ambulatory assistant vehicle permits, and limited motel/resort leases are permitted in this allocation.  (2) Public Recreation Areas.  No shoreline use permits will be issued.  (3) Protected Shoreline Areas.  Shoreline use permits will not be issued for floating facilities in these zones.  Vegetation modification and footpath construction may be permitted in these areas but are at the discretion of the Operations Project Manager.  (4) Prohibited Access Areas.  No shoreline use permits will be issued.

Ownership of adjacent property does not convey any exclusive or preferential rights to the use of the lake or adjoining lands.  An application must be submitted for a permit prior to constructing boot mooring facilities, altering the terrain, or modifying vegetation on public land.  Shoreline use permits are issued for: (1) boat docks, (2) pedestrian foot paths, (3) vegetation modification, and (4) ambulatory assistance vehicular access.  A fee will be charged for the Shoreline Use Permits to help defray expenses associated with the issuance, administration of the permits, and inspections. 

Private floating facilities (Boat Docks) are permitted only in areas designated as Limited Development Areas (LDA).  After December 31st, 2019, applicants for boat docks must have ready access to the shoreline as defined by the ownership of at least 75 continuous feet of adjoining property to the Government Property Line (GPL) within a Limited Development Area (LDA).  An applicant’s property line can be no more than 200 feet from the dock site.  The facility must serve as the homeport for boat(s) of the owners of the dock, and the owner of each boat moored in the dock must own interest in the dock.  Renting slips in a boat dock is prohibited.  Boat docks must have a minimum spacing of 100 feet between docks at the 1120 m.s.l.  Each individual household family can have a maximum of two slips and will not be permitted ownership in more than one boat dock.  Current valid state boat registrations will be required with the permit application to support boat ownership and the need for mooring space.  Boat docks will be anchored perpendicular to the shoreline.  (Please contact the Duty Ranger at the Beaver Project Office for further information and requirements)

Electric systems (as well as all electrical components on the dock) for boat docks must be approved, prior to construction, by the Corps of Engineers and must meet all local, state, and current National Electric Code.  All new electricity services must be from a renewable alternate energy source (e.g. solar or wind) or removable generator. 

Mowing or under brushing may be permitted for fire protection purposes only.  A permit is required prior to any work on government property.  The limits of mowing/under brushing will depend on the proximity of the habitable structure to the Government Property Line (GPL) and other private boundaries.  The maximum allowed limits of mowing will be a radius of 100 feet from the foundation of a habitable structure to the public land.  Shoreline modifications are subject to the following conditions: trimming, limbing or topping of trees is prohibited; only hand-operated tools and noncommercial riding lawn mowers may be used; trees larger than 2-inch diameter measured at ground level may not be removed.

A pedestrian path to the lake 4 feet or less in width may be permitted.  The path must follow a meandering route to prevent erosion and avoid the need for removal of trees, vegetation or leaves.  The permit does not convey the right to cut and fill land or construct any structure (steps, bridges, etc.) in connection with the path.  No landscape lighting is permitted.

Dead trees or broken limbs which may cause damage to private property or obstruct a path may be cut after obtaining a permit.  A ranger will inspect and approve any removal of hazardous trees or limbs.

Expand List item 24007Collapse List item 24007  

General Information

The Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) establishes policy and furnishes guidelines for the protection and conservation of the desirable environmental characteristics of the lake while maintaining a balance between public and private shoreline uses.  The SMP provides for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of Beaver Lake.  This SMP describes the types of private uses and activities that may be permitted on public lands.

Management of the shoreline will provide an opportunity to optimize recreational experiences for the maximum number of people as well as preserve the environment and project resources.  The objectives of the SMP are to manage and protect shoreline; to establish and maintain acceptable fish and wildlife habitat; aesthetic quality and natural environmental conditions; and to promote the safe and healthful use of the lake and shoreline for recreational purposes by all users.

At the top of conservation pool elevation 1120 m.s.l., Beaver Lake has a shoreline of 449 miles.  As the pool rises to the top of flood control pool elevation 1130 m.s.l., the shoreline miles increase to 483 miles.  The Beaver project area contains 40,463 surface acres.  Land which is owned in fee by the government consists of land that surrounds the lake.  The limits of fee land are defined by the Government Property Line (GPL).  The GPL consists of a straight line between boundary markers.  The boundary markers, or monuments, are topped with a brass cap, which indicates the tract of land which was purchased from the land owner.  Ownership of private land does not convey any exclusive rights to the use of adjoining public lands or the lake.  The general public can use public lands. 

Complete rules and regulations governing public use of corps of Engineers projects are contained in CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), Title 36, Chapter III, Part 327.  Ownership of private land does not convey any exclusive rights to the use of the adjoining lands.  Management decisions are made to maximize benefits for the general public and adjoining land owners.  The public’s right of access and use of the permit area must be maintained and preserved. 

Burn Request Form



Burn Request Information

1. A ranger will perform a site inspection as quickly as possible.

2. Pending approval, a burn permit will be issued to the requestee.

3. Any approved burn permit will be the requestee’s responsibility to facilitate the burn, per the permit conditions.

During high flood pool, approval of burn permits will be suspended. Burn permits may resume once the water level nears 1120.43 (conservation pool), per the Operations Project Manager.

Contact Us

Beaver Lake Project Office

2260 N. 2nd Street
Rogers, AR 72756

Phone: (479) 636-1210. ext 1701
Fax: (479) 636-1907/501-324-5472

Duty Ranger: (479) 636-1210, ext 1710
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Duty Ranger Appointments: Monday 8:00 a.m. – noon, and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.