us army corps of engineers logo - white castle on red background

MKARNS 12-Foot Channel   

MKARNS Interactive Map

Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment Storyboard

2005 MKARNS Environmental Impact Statement

Final Environmental Impact Statement (Cover)

Final Environmental Impact Statement (Executive Summary)

Final Environmental Impact Statement - (Abstract)

FEIS Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need

FEIS Chapter 2 - Description of Proposed Action

FEIS Chapter 3 - Alternatives

FEIS Chapter 4 - Affected Environment

FEIS Chapter 5 - FEIS Intro to Environmental Consequences

FEIS Chapter 6 - Environmental Consequences

FEIS Chapter 7 - Cumulative Effects

FEIS Chapter 8 - Impacts Summary Mitigations

FEIS Chapter 9 - List of Preparers

FEIS Chapter 10 - Distribution List

FEIS Chapter 11 - Index

FEIS Chapter 12 - References

FEIS Chapter 13 - Persons Consulted 

FEIS Chapter 14 - Acronyms

2005 MKARNS EIS Appendices

Appendix A - Index

Appendix B - Scoping

Appendix C - Ark-Nav EIS

Appendix D - Cultural Resources

Appendix E - Sediment Sampling

Appendix F - System Operating Analysis

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 1

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 2

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 3

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 4

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 5

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 6

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 7

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 8

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 9

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 10

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 11

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 12

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 13

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 14

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 15

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 16

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 17

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 18

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 19

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 20

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 21 

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 22

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 23

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 24

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 25

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 26

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 27

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 28

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 29

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 30

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 31

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 32

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 33

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 34

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 35

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 36

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 37

Arkansas River Navigation Study Map 38

Dredge Index Map

2005 MKARNS Report and Environmental Impact Statement (Mussel Report)

Final Mussel Figures

Final Mussel Report

Final Mussel Table 1

Final Mussel Table 2

Final Mussel Table 3






What is NEPA?

The National Environmental Policy Act is our basic national charter for protection of the environment. It is foremost a procedural law that helps ensure that federal decision makers take a hard look at the potential effects of a proposed action and allow the public and other stakeholders to comment on the federal agency’s effects analysis and consideration of reasonable alternatives. The NEPA analysis helps these decision makers understand the environmental consequences of the alternatives in comparative form before making a decision. This “hard look” is informed by the public and other stakeholders, starting with a project or study’s scoping phase.

graphic describing the national environmental policy act
* click the image to enlarge 

The environmental review process that accompanies Corps planning studies and its value to the public are not always easy to understand. Recognizing this, and to help the public and organizations effectively participate in federal agency environmental reviews, the Council on Environmental Quality wrote the informational A Citizen’s Guide to the NEPA