us army corps of engineers logo - white castle on red background

Lake Dardanelle Shoreline Management Plan Update   

Reach Out to USACE

Comments may be submitted at the workshop, via the website above, mail, fax, or email with attention to:

Lake Dardanelle SMP Planner
Recreation and Natural Resources Section
USACE, Little Rock District

P.O. Box 867
Little Rock, AR 72203
Fax: (501) 324-6230


Written comments must be postmarked, e-mailed, faxed, or otherwise submitted by March 5, 2025.

trees and a lake

Lake Dardanelle Shoreline Management Plan Update Comment Form

Please use this form to provide comments and suggestions about how you would like to see the Lake Dardanelle Shoreline Management Plan updated; or provide comments on the issues that should be studied before a decision is made on Shoreline Management Plan updates. Feel free to take an extra form to provide to friends or neighbors. Comments must be submitted by March 5, 2025.

Optional Information

Comments may be submitted via mail, email, or fax with attention to: Lake Dardanelle SMP Planner, Recreation and Natural Resources Section, USACE, Little Rock District, P.O. Box 867, Little Rock, AR 72203.

Fax: (501) 324-6230, Email:



Written comments must be postmarked, e-mailed, faxed, or otherwise submitted by March 5, 2025.


AUTHORITY: ER 1130-2-406, and the laws and regulations referenced therein.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To provide a means for the maximum practicable public participation in Shoreline Management Plan formulation, preparation and subsequent revisions, through the use of public meetings, group workshops, open houses or other public involvement.

ROUTINE USE(S):  Information you provide will be available for public review or may be disclosed to members of the Department of Defense or other Government agencies who have a need for the information in performance of their official duties, and where use of such information is compatible with the purpose for which the information is collected.

DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; however, failure to furnish the requested information may prevent the Agency from being able to direct meeting notices or provide additional information to commenters.



What is NEPA?

The National Environmental Policy Act is our basic national charter for protection of the environment. It is foremost a procedural law that helps ensure that federal decision makers take a hard look at the potential effects of a proposed action and allow the public and other stakeholders to comment on the federal agency’s effects analysis and consideration of reasonable alternatives. The NEPA analysis helps these decision makers understand the environmental consequences of the alternatives in comparative form before making a decision. This “hard look” is informed by the public and other stakeholders, starting with a project or study’s scoping phase.

graphic describing the national environmental policy act
* click the image to enlarge 

The environmental review process that accompanies Corps planning studies and its value to the public are not always easy to understand. Recognizing this, and to help the public and organizations effectively participate in federal agency environmental reviews, the Council on Environmental Quality wrote the informational A Citizen’s Guide to the NEPA