us army corps of engineers logo - white castle on red background

Beaver Lake 


Updated Master/Shoreline Management Plan Interactive Map


Beaver Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan Revision

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, is revising the Beaver Lake Master Plan (MP). The MP guides the management of the government-owned and leased lands around the lake. Based on the comments received during MP scoping workshops held in March 2015 the potential for significant changes to the Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) were identified. Potential changes in the MP could limit alternatives and direct changes to the SMP. Therefore, the Corps is revising both the MP and the SMP together to allow the public the opportunity to understand the relationship between the plans and to comment on the effects of proposed revisions.


November 2018
The moratorium for Beaver Lake will be lifted Nov. 1 at 10 a.m. and new shoreline use requests will only be accepted online at 


October 2018



Monday, October 29th

4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Best Western Inn of the

Ozarks Convention Center

2017 W. Van Buren

Eureka Springs, Ark.


Tuesday, October 30th

4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Four Points by Sheraton

211 SE Walton Boulevard

Bentonville, Ark.


2018 Beaver Lake Master Plan


2018 Beaver Lake Master Plan

2018 Beaver Lake Master Plan Appendix B

2018 Beaver Lake Master Plan Appendix C

2018 Beaver Lake Master Plan Appendix D

2018 Beaver Lake Master Plan Final Environmental Assessment Appendix A

2018 Beaver Lake Master Plan Final Environmental Assessment Appendices


2018 Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan


2018 Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan

2018 Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan Environmental Assessment

Beaver Lake Scoping Report

Beaver Lake Draft Comment Analysis Report

Beaver Lake SMP Alternative Maps


April 2018

Beaver Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan Question and Answers


March 2018




Tuesday, March 27
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn
1325 North Palak Drive
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Wednesday, March 28
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Best Western Inn of the Ozarks Conference Center
207 W. Van Buren
Eureka Springs, Arkansas


Thursday, March 29
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Four Points by Sheraton, Bentonville
211 SE Walton Boulevard
Bentonville, Arkansas


Beaver Lake Draft Master Plan and Draft Shoreline Management Plan Comment Card           (Please use Internet Explorer to complete the form)


Draft Beaver Lake Master Plan

Appendix A-Draft Environmental Assessment Beaver Lake Master Plan

Alternative 1-Beaver Lake Master Plan-Land Classification

Alternative 2-Beaver Lake Master Plan-Land Classification

Alternative 3-Beaver Lake Master Plan-Land Classification

Alternative 4-Beaver Lake Master Plan-Land Classification

Alternative 5-Beaver Lake Master Plan-Land Classification

Appendix B-1976 Beaver Lake Master Plan Supplements

Appendix C-All Park Maps

Appendix D-Beaver Lake Master Plan Land Classifications

Beaver Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan Scoping Report

Draft Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan 2018

Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan-Draft Environmental Assessment

Alternative 1-Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan-Shoreline Zoning

Alternative 2-Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan-Shoreline Zoning

Descriptions of Land Classifications and Shoreline Zoning

LDAs Which Have Reached Maximum Density

Beaver Lake Master Plan/Shoreline Management Plan Fact Sheet

Beaver Lake Alternative 2 Fact Sheet

March 2017

Beaver Lake Carrying Capacity Study - Final
Beaver Lake Carrying Capacity Study - Appendix A - Final
Beaver Lake Carrying Capacity Study - Appendix B - Final
Beaver Lake Carrying Capacity Study - Appendix C - Final
Beaver Lake Carrying Capacity Study - Appendix D - Final

March 2016

Beaver Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan Comment Form

How to Leave Comments

Current Beaver Lake Shoreline Management Plan


February 2016

Beaver Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan Fact Sheet

Why Revise the Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan?

How to Leave Comments

Beaver Lake Master Plan/Shoreline Management Plan Timeline and Environmental Assessment Information 

Beaver Lake Land Classification Map

Beaver Lake Description of Land Classifications

Beaver Lake Recreation Area Map

Beaver Lake Shoreline Zoning Map

Beaver Lake Master Plan/Shoreline Management Plan Conflict Map

Beaver Lake Post Card Mailing List Distribution Map

News Release:  Corps Holds Additional Scoping Workshops for Beaver Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan Revision


Tuesday, March 15, 2016
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Hilton Garden Inn
1325 North Palak Drive
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Wednesday, March 16, 2016
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Best Western Inn of the Ozarks Conference Center
207 W. Van Buren
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Thursday, March 17, 2016
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Four Points by Sheraton, Bentonville
211 SE Walton Boulevard
Bentonville, Arkansas

The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, is revising the Beaver Lake Master Plan. The master plan guides the management of the government lands around the lake. The master plan affects future management of natural resources and recreational opportunities to ensure the sustainability of Beaver Lake.

Beaver Lane Master Plan Scoping Report

Beaver Lake Master Plan Revision FAQs

Beaver Lake Master Plan Fact Sheet


MARCH 2015

March 2015 Scoping Workshop Information Boards

1976 Beaver Lake Master Plan Documents:

Main Report




General Information

The Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District, is revising the Beaver Lake Master Plan.  The master plan guides the management of the government lands around the lake.  The master plan affects future management of natural resources and recreational opportunities to ensure the sustainability of Beaver Lake.

The master plan revision will set the stage for a later update of the operational management plan and shoreline management plan, which is how the vision of the master plan is implemented.  This is your opportunity to let the Corps know how you would like the lake to be managed for the future.

The planning process will include an analysis of potential effects on the natural and social environment, including fish and wildlife, recreation opportunities, economics, land use, cultural and historical resources, aesthetics, and public health and safety.


About Beaver Lake

Beaver Lake, birthplace of the White River, is located in Northern Arkansas (Benton, Washington, Carroll and Madison counties) and was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1954.  The lake is 38,110 acres of land and water with 487 miles of shoreline.  Beaver Lake is the number one water supply source for Northwest Arkansas.  The water supply mission at Beaver Lake comes from the Water Supply Act of 1958.

During high water events and flood periods, Beaver Lake is operated in conjunction with other lakes in the White River Basin to prevent flood damage along the White and lower Mississippi Rivers.  The dam also generates hydropower electricity.


What is a Master Plan?

A master plan is the guidance document that describes how the resources of the lake will be managed in the future and provides the vision for how the lake should look in the future.  The master plan does not address the details of how and where shoreline use permits may be issued, however, it does set the stage for implementation of the shoreline management program.  After the master plan is revised, the operational management plan and shoreline management plan would be revised to be consistent with the goals identified in the master plan.

Development of the revised master plan may include consideration of:

·    Regional and ecosystem needs

·    Project resource capabilities and suitability for various purposes

·    Public interests and desires

The Beaver Lake Master Plan Revision main objectives are:

·    Conserve the resources of the lake within the current policies and guidelines of the Corps of Engineers

·    Accommodate current and projected use patterns with maximum efficiency

·    Identify and protect cultural and natural resources

·    Attract maximum participation by the general public and local government


Why Revise the Beaver Lake Master Plan?

The current Beaver Lake Master Plan was developed more than 40 years ago and is outdated.  The master plan revision will classify public lands around the lake based on environmental and socioeconomic considerations, public input, and an evaluation of past, present, and forecasted trends.

Lands may be classified into one of these categories:

·    Project Operations: lands required for the dam, spillway, offices, and other areas used solely for the operation of the reservoir.

·     High Density Recreation: lands acquired and designated for use as parks or other areas for intensive recreational activities by the visiting public. New private floating facilities would not be allowed in these areas.

·     Environmentally Sensitive Areas: lands designated for areas where scientific, ecological, cultural, or aesthetic features have been identified. These areas are managed to protect environmental resources.

·    Multiple Resource Management Lands: This classification allows for the designation of a predominant use with the understanding that other compatible uses may also occur on these lands, these additional uses may include:

·     Low Density Recreation: lands classified for use for activities such as hiking trails, primitive camping, limited lake access points, and other similar activities by the visiting public. Private floating facilities may be permitted in these areas in accordance with the shoreline management plan.

·    Wildlife Management: lands allocated as habitat for fish and wildlife, and are generally open for hunting and fishing.

·     Future/Inactive Recreation Areas: Lands intended for recreation, but which were never developed or have been closed.

·     Vegetative Management: Lands designated for stewardship of forest, prairie, and other native vegetative cover.


Water Surface: For those projects that administer a surface water zoning program, this will be included in the master plan revision process.

·     Restricted: Water areas restricted for project operations, safety, and security purposes.

·    Designated No-Wake: To protect environmentally sensitive shoreline areas, recreational water access areas from disturbance, and for public safety.

·     Fish and Wildlife Sanctuary: Annual or seasonal restrictions on areas to protect fish and wildlife species during periods of migrations, resting, feeding, nesting, and/or spawning.

·     Open Recreation: Those waters available for year round or seasonal water-based recreational use.

These land classifications are established in the master plan and will guide the future updates to the operational management plan and shoreline management plan, which implements the master plan.