An IRRM is a series of temporary actions implemented by engineers designed to reduce the risk to downstream populations that may be associated with high water elevations at a USACE reservoir. Since 2017, a series of IRRMs have been implemented at Beaver Lake Dam. These IRRMs ranged from updated emergency action plans to water-proofing the operational equipment at the dam (gate controls) to faster, more effective evacuation of the water from the flood pool. Updating these flood pool evacuation operations was performed in a series of three steps, which are described below.
1. Double flood risk management minimum release after floods.
Minimum releases from Beaver increased from 950 cfs to 1,900 cfs when Beaver Lake is in flood pool and conditions downstream allow.
Table Rock must be below elevation 917 feet
Combined Beaver, Table Rock, and Bull Shoals less than 50 percent flood storage
2. Deeper Drawdown After Surcharge (release to prevent gates from overtopping).
Drawdown of 1.0 to 1.5 feet from top of flood pool (from elevation 1,130.0 to 1290.0 or 1,128.5 feet depending on the time of year) after flood event
Provides extra 0.5 to 0.75-inch runoff storage
3. Revised Guide Curves at Newport and Georgetown.
When system storage is LOW, use current low target (blue)
When system storage is HIGH, use current high target (green dash), and
When system storage is VERY HIGH, use current late springtime (May) target (red dots).