Hunting and trapping are permitted on the waters and the adjoining public lands administered by the Corps of Engineers. Turkey, deer, rabbits, sqirrel, and beaver abound the adjacent lands of Beaver Lake. (Be sure you know where the Government Property Line seperates public, and private land). All applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations apply. Hunting is prohibited in developed parks and other areas by the posting of appropriate signs. Permanent tree stands are prohibited on Corps of Engineers property. Portable stands, with owner’s name and address permanently affixed, are permitted.
Beaver Lake is a part of the Beaver Lake Wildlife Management Area, Region 7. Beaver Lake WMA is one of 16 WMA's in Arkansas. Please check State regulations prior to hunting in this area.
Disabled Veterans Deer Hunt
This hunt is a recreational opportunity for those who have served our country. This opportunity is being extended to a special group of the nation's population that have served our country and been injured during combat. These individuals are fully capable of properly using a firearm to hunt game, but may have restricted ability to access land for a quality hunting experience. This hunt is an effort to provide proper access, facilities, and other needed resources so these individuals can enjoy a safe and successful recreational experience as most other individuals in our nation. The hunt will also help improve the deer herd in the area.