US Army Corps of Engineers
Little Rock District Website

Faulkner County Levee Restoration Information

Background: The Faulkner County Levee System was damaged during the May/June 2019 Arkansas River Flood Event, leading to the Levee Sponsor submitting a Public Law (PL) 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Little Rock District (SWL).

Current Action:  Engineering and Design funding has been received to begin work on the Faulkner County levee repair project.  The purpose of this rehabilitation project is to repair the levee system to its authorized level of flood risk management.

Status Update

28 September 2020 - Construction contract awarded for repair of flood gates and drainage structures

22 September 2020 - Construction contract awarded to repair levee embankment

11 September 2020 - Construction easements obtained by levee district

31 July 2019 - Contract Solicitation / Advertisement

24 July 2019 - Cultural Resource Survey Complete

16 July 2019 - Real Estate Package to Sponsor

17 June 2019 - Design plans complete (BCOES certification)

13 December 2019 – Rights of Entry obtained. E&D work continues.

04 December 2019 – Topographical surveys completed for breach area. These surveys will allow the E&D team to better define quantities needed for construction.

04 December 2019 – The cooperation agreement between SWL and the local sponsor was signed. Rights of entry are being obtained. E&D work continues.

03 December 2019 – Conducted stakeholder meeting with local levee districts, affected farmers and county judges. The attendees were informed of the P.L. 84-99 process and updated on the status of the project.

26 November 2019- Topographic survey of the breach completed.

15 November 2019 – E&D work continues for rehabilitating the Faulkner County levee system. The team is still anticipating to be done with the E&D process by early 2020.

01 November 2019 – Project kickoff meeting with local sponsor – Faulkner County Levee District No. 1. Meeting conducted to review the rehabilitation process, cooperation agreement, cultural resource and real estate requirements.

09 October 2019 – Project Delivery Team (PDT) kickoff meeting conducted with design team members. E&D work is ongoing for rehabilitating the Faulkner County Levee District No. 1 system. The team is anticipating to be done with the E&D process by early 2020. Once E&D is completed, a construction contract will be advertised and awarded to repair the system.

12 September 2019 – E&D funding received. 

06 September 2019 – The Project Information Report has been approved by the USACE Southwestern Division Commander, BG Owen. Engineering and Design (E&D) funding has been requested.  Once funding has been received, the USACE team will coordinate with the Levee Sponsor on the design of the overall levee repair project.

17 June 2019 – An initial site damage assessment and economic analysis has been completed by the USACE SWL team.  From this initial assessment, the team has determined that there are damages to the levee system that are eligible for PL 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance.

Faulkner County Levee

Faulkner County Levee Map