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White River Basin Study

White River Basin Study Comment Form

Please use this form to provide comments and suggestions to the White River Basin Study Team. Your comments will be forwarded to the study team and will help ensure that our study is thorough and accurate.

Optional Information


AUTHORITY: ER 1130-2-406, and the laws and regulations referenced therein.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): To provide a means for the maximum practicable public participation in the White River Basin Study, preparation and subsequent revisions, through the use of public meetings, group workshops, open houses or other public involvement.

ROUTINE USE(S):  Information you provide will be available for public review or may be disclosed to members of the Department of Defense or other Government agencies who have a need for the information in performance of their official duties, and where use of such information is compatible with the purpose for which the information is collected.

DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; however, failure to furnish the requested information may prevent the Agency from being able to direct meeting notices or provide additional information to commenters.



What is a Watershed Study?

Section 729 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, as amended, authorizes the US Army Corps of Engineers to study water resources on a watershed level. Watershed assessments are planning initiatives that have a multi-purpose and multi-objective scope and are designed to address integrated water resources management. 

watershed study graphic

The outcome of a watershed assessment will generally be a Watershed Management Plan. The Watershed Management Plan may identify further Corps studies or implementation projects, or it may highlight actions that can be implemented by others for the benefit of the watershed.