Under the authority provided by Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 (PL 93-251), as amended, the Corps of Engineers can provide states, local governments, other non-Federal entities, and eligible Native American Indian tribes assistance in the preparation of comprehensive plans for the development, utilization, and conservation of water and related land resources and conduct technical studies related to water-resources. Typical studies are only planning level of detail; they cannot include detailed design for project construction. The program can encompass many types of studies dealing with water resources issues. Types of studies conducted in recent years under the PAS program include the following: water resource planning, water supply/demand, water conservation, water quality analysis, environmental/conservation, wetlands evaluation/restoration, peak flood statistical analyses, streamflow-runoff-precipitation statistical analyses, drought planning, dam safety/failure, flood damage reduction, and flood mapping.
Cost Sharing Requirements: Efforts under this program are cost shared on a 50 percent Federal – 50 percent non-Federal basis. For comprehensive water resource planning, the study sponsor has the option of providing in-kind services for its share of the study cost. For technical assistance, the costs are shared on a 50 percent Federal – 50 percent non-Federal basis. For more information, please access the link below or email: LRPAS@usace.army.mil